Basic Types =========== Reference document: .. py:data:: None NoneType The type of ``None`` .. py:data:: bool BooleanType The type of the :py:data:`bool` values :py:obj:`True` and :py:obj:`False` .. py:data:: int IntType The type of integers (e.g. 1) .. data:: long LongType The type of long integers (e.g. ``1L``) .. py:data:: float FloatType The type of floating point numbers (e.g. ``1.0``) .. py:data:: str StringType The type of character strings (e.g. ``'Spam'``) .. py:data:: unicode UnicodeType The type of Unicode character strings (e.g. ``u'Spam'``) .. py:data:: tuple TupleType The type of tuples (e.g. ``(1, 2, 3, 'Spam')``) .. py:data:: list ListType The type of lists (e.g. ``[0, 1, 2, 3]``) .. py:data:: dict DictType The type of dictionaries (e.g. ``{'Bacon': 1, 'Ham': 0}``)