Source code for GLXCurses.libs.Movable

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# It script it publish under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
# Author: the Galaxie Curses Team, all rights reserved

import GLXCurses

[docs]class Movable(object): def __init__(self): self.__y_offset = None self.__x_offset = None self.__justify = None self.__position_type = None self.y_offset = 0 self.x_offset = 0 self.justify = GLXCurses.GLXC.JUSTIFY_CENTER self.position_type = GLXCurses.GLXC.POS_CENTER self.preferred_width = 0 self.preferred_height = 0 self.width = 0 self.height = 0 @property def x_offset(self): """ " ``x_offset`` for add offset value to ``x`` position of a GLXCurses.Area attach to a GLXCurses.Widget. """ return self.__x_offset @x_offset.setter def x_offset(self, offset=None): """ Set the ``x_offset`` property value. :param offset: the new value of ``x_offset`` property in chars :type offset: int or None """ if offset is None: offset = 0 if type(offset) != int: raise TypeError('"offset" must be int type or None') if self.x_offset != offset: self.__x_offset = offset @property def y_offset(self): """ " ``y_offset`` for add offset value to ``y`` position of a GLXCurses.Area attach to a GLXCurses.Widget. """ return self.__y_offset @y_offset.setter def y_offset(self, offset=None): """ Set the ``y_offset`` property value. :param offset: the new value of ``y_offset`` property in chars :type offset: int or None """ if offset is None: offset = 0 if type(offset) != int: raise TypeError('"offset" must be int type or None') if self.y_offset != offset: self.__y_offset = offset @property def justify(self): """ Return the Justify of the Button Justify: - LEFT - CENTER - RIGHT :return: str """ return self.__justify @justify.setter def justify(self, value=None): """ Set the Justify of the Vertical separator Justify: - LEFT - CENTER - RIGHT :param value: a Justify :type value: str """ if value is None: value = GLXCurses.GLXC.JUSTIFY_CENTER if type(value) != str: raise TypeError('"justify" value must be a str type or None') if value not in GLXCurses.GLXC.Justification: raise ValueError("PositionType must be LEFT or CENTER or RIGHT") if self.justify != str(value).upper(): self.__justify = str(value).upper() @property def position_type(self): """ Return the Position Type **GLXCurses.GLXC.PositionType** *GLXCurses.GLXC.POS_TOP *GLXCurses.GLXC.POS_CENTER *GLXCurses.GLXC.POS_BOTTOM :return: the position_type property value :rtype: str """ return self.__position_type @position_type.setter def position_type(self, value=None): """ Set the Position type **GLXCurses.GLXC.PositionType** *GLXCurses.GLXC.POS_TOP *GLXCurses.GLXC.POS_CENTER *GLXCurses.GLXC.POS_BOTTOM :param value: a PositionType :type value: str """ if value is None: value = GLXCurses.GLXC.POS_CENTER if type(value) != str: raise TypeError('"position_type" value must be a str type or None') if value not in GLXCurses.GLXC.PositionType: raise ValueError( "PositionType must be a value contain in GLXCurses.GLXC.PositionType , like CENTER or TOP or BOTTOM" ) if self.position_type != value.upper(): self.__position_type = value.upper()
[docs] def check_justification(self): if self.justify == GLXCurses.GLXC.JUSTIFY_CENTER: self.x_offset = GLXCurses.clamp_to_zero( GLXCurses.round_down(self.width / 2, decimals=0) - GLXCurses.round_down(self.preferred_width / 2, decimals=0) ) elif self.justify == GLXCurses.GLXC.JUSTIFY_LEFT: self.x_offset = 0 elif self.justify == GLXCurses.GLXC.JUSTIFY_RIGHT: self.x_offset = GLXCurses.clamp_to_zero(self.width - self.preferred_width)
[docs] def check_position(self): if self.position_type == GLXCurses.GLXC.POS_CENTER: self.y_offset = GLXCurses.clamp_to_zero( GLXCurses.round_down(self.height / 2, decimals=0) - GLXCurses.round_down(self.preferred_height / 2, decimals=0) ) elif self.position_type == GLXCurses.GLXC.POS_TOP: self.y_offset = 0 elif self.position_type == GLXCurses.GLXC.POS_BOTTOM: self.y_offset = GLXCurses.clamp_to_zero(self.height - self.preferred_height)