Source code for GLXCurses.libs.Dividable

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# It script it publish under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
# Author: the Galaxie Curses Team, all rights reserved

from array import array

import GLXCurses

[docs]class Dividable(object):
[docs] @staticmethod def get_child_x_coordinates(children=None, length=None): """ The function parse children list and calculate coordinates for each ChildElement by regarding ChildProperty information's and return a :param length: the max length in char :type length: int :param children: The list of children where we need coordinates :type children: list of ChildElement :return: a dict with child coordinates :rtype: dict of dict """ if length is None: length = 0 if children is None: children = [] coordinates = {} if children: number_of_not_expand = 0 unexpanded_width = 0 for child in children: if not number_of_not_expand += 1 unexpanded_width += child.widget.preferred_width try: size_by_expanded = int((length - unexpanded_width) / (len(children) - number_of_not_expand) - 1) except ZeroDivisionError: size_by_expanded = length - unexpanded_width count = 0 for child in children: coordinates[] = {"start": count} if coordinates[]['stop'] = coordinates[][ 'start'] + size_by_expanded else: coordinates[]['stop'] = coordinates[][ 'start'] + child.widget.preferred_width count += coordinates[]['stop'] - coordinates[][ 'start'] + 1 # Fit the thing if coordinates[len(children) - 1]['stop'] != length: coordinates[len(children) - 1]['stop'] = length return coordinates
[docs] @staticmethod def get_child_y_coordinates(children=None, length=None): """ The function parse children list and calculate coordinates for each ChildElement by regarding ChildProperty information's and return a :param length: the max length in char :type length: int :param children: The list of children where we need coordinates :type children: list of ChildElement :return: a dict with child coordinates :rtype: dict of dict """ if length is None: length = 0 if children is None: children = [] coordinates = {} if children: number_of_not_expand = 0 unexpanded_height = 0 for child in children: if not number_of_not_expand += 1 unexpanded_height += child.widget.preferred_height try: size_by_expanded = int((length - unexpanded_height) / (len(children) - number_of_not_expand) - 1) except ZeroDivisionError: size_by_expanded = length - unexpanded_height count = 0 for child in children: coordinates[] = {"start": count} if coordinates[]['stop'] = coordinates[][ 'start'] + size_by_expanded else: coordinates[]['stop'] = coordinates[][ 'start'] + child.widget.preferred_height count += coordinates[]['stop'] - coordinates[][ 'start'] + 1 # Fit the thing if coordinates[len(children) - 1]['stop'] != length: coordinates[len(children) - 1]['stop'] = length return coordinates