Source code for GLXCurses.Aera

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# It script it publish under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
# Author: the Galaxie Curses Team, all rights reserved
import locale

locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
code = locale.getpreferredencoding()
# code = locale.normalize(locale.getdefaultlocale()[0]).split('.')[1]
import curses

[docs]class Area(object): """ Internal class it define a Area .. note:: it never have a clamp value or a float to int conversion, each set method have role to raise a error \ if value type is not respect during a set. """ def __init__( self, x=None, y=None, width=None, height=None, screen=None, subwin=None ): self.__x = x self.__y = y self.__width = width self.__height = height self.__stdscr = screen self.__subwin = subwin if self.x is None: self.x = 0 if self.y is None: self.y = 0 if self.height is None: self.height = 0 if self.width is None: self.width = 0 @property def x(self): """ ``x`` property It represent the x location, 0 for Left :return: ``x`` location in char, 0 correspond to left :rtype: int or None """ return self.__x @x.setter def x(self, x=None): """ ``x`` location of the area Set the :class:`Area <GLXCurses.Area.Area>` :py:obj:`x` property value. .. seealso:: :func:`Area.get_x() <GLXCurses.Area.Area.get_x()>` :param x: ``x`` location of the area in char, 0 correspond to left :type x: int or None :raise TypeError: if ``x`` parameter is not a :py:data:`int` type or None """ # We exit as soon of possible if x is None: x = 0 if x is not None and type(x) != int: raise TypeError("'x' parameter is not int type or None") if self.x != x: self.__x = x @property def y(self): """ ``y`` location of the area :return: ``y`` location in char, 0 correspond to top :rtype: int """ return self.__y @y.setter def y(self, y=None): """ ``y`` location of the area Note: it have no clamp value or float to int conversion. The ``y`` must be a int. :param y: ``y`` location of the area in char, 0 correspond to top :type y: int or None :raise TypeError: if ``y`` parameter is not a :py:data:`int` type or None """ if y is None: y = 0 if y is not None and type(y) != int: raise TypeError("'y' parameter is not int type") if self.y != y: self.__y = y @property def width(self): """ Get :py:obj:`width` property value. :return: :py:obj:`width` property :rtype: int or None """ return self.__width @width.setter def width(self, width=None): """ Set :py:obj:`width` property value. :param width: :py:obj:`width` property value :type width: int or None :raise TypeError: if ``width`` parameter is not a :py:data:`int` type or None """ if width is None: width = 0 if width is not None and not isinstance(width, int): raise TypeError("'width' argument must be a int type or None") if self.width != width: self.__width = width @property def height(self): """ Get :py:obj:`height` property value. :return: :py:obj:`height` property :rtype: int or None """ return self.__height @height.setter def height(self, height=None): """ Set ``height`` property value. :param height: :py:obj:`height` property value :type height: int or None :raise TypeError: if ``height`` parameter is not a :py:data:`int` type or None """ if height is None: height = 0 if height is not None and type(height) != int: raise TypeError("'height' argument must be a int type or None") if self.height != height: self.__height = height @property def stdscr(self): """ Get the :py:obj:`stdscr` property value. :return: A Curses window object` :rtype: _curses.curses window or None """ return self.__stdscr @stdscr.setter def stdscr(self, stdscr=None): """ Set the :py:obj:`stdscr` property value. It correspond to curses stdscr initialized by the :class:`Application <GLXCurses.Application.Application>` :param stdscr: A Curses window curses type as return by curses.initrc() or curses.newwin() :type stdscr: _curses.curses window or None :raise TypeError: if ``stdscr`` is not a valid _curses.curses window type or None """ if ( stdscr is not None and str(type(stdscr)) != "<type '_curses.curses window'>" and str(type(stdscr)) != "<class '_curses.window'>" and str(type(stdscr)) != "<class 'unittest.mock.MagicMock'>" ): raise TypeError(str(type(stdscr))) if self.stdscr != stdscr: self.__stdscr = stdscr @property def subwin(self): """ Get the ``subwin`` property value. :return: A Curses window object` :rtype: _curses.curses window or None """ # Look if we have to create a derwin or resize/move the existing one. if self.__subwin: height, width = self.__subwin.getmaxyx() y, x = self.__subwin.getbegyx() if ( y != self.y or x != self.x or self.height != height or self.width != width ): try: self.__subwin.mvderwin(self.y, self.x) except curses.error: # pragma: no cover pass try: self.__subwin.resize(self.height, self.width) except curses.error: # pragma: no cover pass else: try: self.__subwin = self.stdscr.derwin( self.height, self.width, self.y, self.x ) except curses.error: # pragma: no cover pass return self.__subwin @subwin.setter def subwin(self, subwin=None): """ Set the ``subwin`` property value. :param subwin: A Curses window curses type as return by curses.initrc() or curses.newwin() :type subwin: _curses.curses window or None :raise TypeError: if ``subwin`` is not a valid _curses.curses window type or None """ if ( subwin is not None and str(type(subwin)) != "<type '_curses.curses window'>" and str(type(subwin)) != "<class '_curses.window'>" ): raise TypeError( "'stdscr' must be a curses type as return by curses.initrc() or curses.newwin()" ) if self.subwin != subwin: self.__subwin = subwin
[docs] def add_character(self, y=None, x=None, character=None, color=None): if y is None: y = self.y if x is None: x = self.x if character and color: try: self.subwin.delch(y, x) except curses.error: # pragma: no cover pass except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover pass try: self.subwin.insch(y, x, character, color) except curses.error: # pragma: no cover pass except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover pass
[docs] def insert_character(self, y=None, x=None, character=None, color=None): if y is None: y = self.y if x is None: x = self.x if character and color: try: self.subwin.insstr( y, x, str.encode(character, encoding=code, errors="strict"), color ) except curses.error: # pragma: no cover pass except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover pass
[docs] def add_string(self, y=None, x=None, text=None, color=None): if y is None: y = self.y if x is None: x = self.x if text and color: for x_inc in range(0, len(text)): try: # self.subwin.delstr(y, x) self.subwin.addstr( y, x + x_inc, text[x_inc], color, ) # self.add_character(y, x + x_inc, text[x_inc], color) except curses.error: # pragma: no cover pass except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover pass
[docs] def insert_string(self, y=None, x=None, text=None, color=None): if y is None: y = self.y if x is None: x = self.x if text and color: for x_inc in range(0, len(text)): self.insert_character(y, x + x_inc, text[x_inc], color)
[docs] def add_horizontal_line( self, y=None, x=None, character=None, length=None, color=None ): """ Display a horizontal line starting at (y, x) with length n consisting of the character ``character``. """ if y is None: y = self.y if x is None: x = self.x if color: for x_inc in range(x, x + length): try: self.subwin.delch(y, x_inc) except curses.error: # pragma: no cover pass except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover pass try: self.subwin.insch(y, x_inc, character, color) except curses.error: # pragma: no cover pass except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover pass
[docs] def add_vertical_line( self, y=None, x=None, character=None, length=None, color=None ): """ Display a horizontal line starting at (y, x) with length n consisting of the character ``character``. """ if y is None: y = self.y if x is None: x = self.x if color: for y_inc in range(y, y + length): try: self.subwin.delch(y_inc, x) except curses.error: # pragma: no cover pass except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover pass try: self.subwin.insch(y_inc, x, character, color) except curses.error: # pragma: no cover pass except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover pass
[docs] def add_rectangle(self, uly, ulx, lry, lrx): """Draw a rectangle with corners at the provided upper-left and lower-right coordinates. """ self.subwin.vline(uly + 1, ulx, curses.ACS_VLINE, lry - uly - 1) self.subwin.hline(uly, ulx + 1, curses.ACS_HLINE, lrx - ulx - 1) self.subwin.hline(lry, ulx + 1, curses.ACS_HLINE, lrx - ulx - 1) self.subwin.vline(uly + 1, lrx, curses.ACS_VLINE, lry - uly - 1) self.subwin.addch(uly, ulx, curses.ACS_ULCORNER) self.subwin.addch(uly, lrx, curses.ACS_URCORNER) self.subwin.addch(lry, lrx, curses.ACS_LRCORNER) self.subwin.addch(lry, ulx, curses.ACS_LLCORNER)
[docs] def draw_background(self, color=None): if color: # for y_inc in range(self.y, self.height): # for x_inc in range(self.x, self.width): # self.insert_character( # y=y_inc, # x=x_inc, # character=' ', # color=color # ) for y_inc in range(0, self.height): for x_inc in range(0, self.width): try: self.subwin.delch(y_inc, x_inc) self.subwin.insch(y_inc, x_inc, " ", color) except curses.error: # pragma: no cover pass except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover pass