Source code for GLXCurses.Adjustment

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# It script it publish under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
# Author: the Galaxie Curses Team, all rights reserved

import GLXCurses

# Reference Document:
[docs]class Adjustment(GLXCurses.Object): """ A representation of an adjustable bounded value """ def __init__(self): """ **Properties** .. py:attribute:: lower The minimum value of the adjustment. :Type: float :Flags: Read / Write :Default value: 0.0 .. py:attribute:: page_increment The page increment of the adjustment. :Type: float :Flags: Read / Write :Default value: 0.0 .. py:attribute:: page_size The page size of the adjustment. Note that the page-size is irrelevant and should be set to zero if the adjustment is used for a simple scalar value, e.g. in a :class:`SpinButton <GLXCurses.SpinButton.SpinButton>`. :Type: float :Flags: Read / Write :Default value: 0.0 .. py:attribute:: step_increment The step increment of the adjustment. :Type: float :Flags: Read / Write :Default value: 0.0 .. py:attribute:: minimum_increment The smaller of step increment and page increment. :Type: float :Flags: Read / Write :Default value: 0.0 .. py:attribute:: upper The maximum value of the adjustment. :Type: float :Flags: Read / Write :Default value: 0.0 .. note:: The values will be restricted by ``upper - page-size`` if the page-size property is nonzero. .. py:attribute:: value The value of the adjustment. :Type: float :Flags: Read / Write :Default value: 0.0 **Description** The :class:`Adjustment <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment>` object represents a value which has an associated lower and upper bound, together with step and page increments,and a page size.It is used within several widgets, including :class:`SpinButton <GLXCurses.SpinButton.SpinButton>`, :class:`Viewport <GLXCurses.Viewport.Viewport>`, and :class:`Range <GLXCurses.Range.Range>` (which is a base class for :class:`Scrollbar <GLXCurses.Scrollbar.Scrollbar>` and :class:`Scale <GLXCurses.Scale.Scale>`). The Adjustment object does not update the value itself. Instead it is left up to the owner of the :class:`Adjustment <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment>` to control the value. **Functions** """ # Load heritage GLXCurses.Object.__init__(self) # It's a GLXCurse Type self.glxc_type = "GLXCurses.Adjustment" # Unique ID it permit to individually identify a widget by example for get_focus get_default = GLXCurses.new_id() # Widgets can be named, which allows you to refer to them from a GLXCStyle = "{0}{1}".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.lower = float(0.0) self.page_increment = float(0.0) self.page_size = float(0.0) self.step_increment = float(0.0) self.minimum_increment = float(0.0) self.upper = float(0.0) self.value = float(0.0) self.two = None self.average = None
[docs] def new( self, value=float(0.0), lower=float(0.0), upper=float(0.0), step_increment=float(0.0), page_increment=float(0.0), page_size=float(0.0), ): """ Creates a new :func:`GLXCurses.Adjustment <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment>`. :param value: The initial value :param lower: The minimum value :param upper: The maximum value :param step_increment: The step increment :param page_increment: The page increment :param page_size: The page size :type value: float :type lower: float :type upper: float :type step_increment: float :type page_increment: float :type page_size: float :return: a new :func:`GLXCurses.Adjustment <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment>` :rtype: :func:`GLXCurses.Adjustment <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment>` :raise TypeError: if ``value`` is not float :raise TypeError: if ``lower`` is not float :raise TypeError: if ``upper`` is not float :raise TypeError: if ``step_increment`` is not float :raise TypeError: if ``page_increment`` is not float :raise TypeError: if ``page_size`` is not float """ # Exit as soon of possible if type(value) != float: raise TypeError('"value" must be float type') if type(lower) != float: raise TypeError('"lower" must be float type') if type(upper) != float: raise TypeError('"upper" must be float type') if type(step_increment) != float: raise TypeError('"step_increment" must be float type') if type(page_increment) != float: raise TypeError('"page_increment" must be float type') if type(page_size) != float: raise TypeError('"page_size" must be float type') # The big flush, it back to default values self.__init__() # After init in case we set the initial value if value != float(0.0): self.value = value if lower != float(0.0): self.lower = lower if upper != float(0.0): self.upper = upper if step_increment != float(0.0): self.step_increment = step_increment if page_increment != float(0.0): self.page_increment = page_increment if page_size != float(0.0): self.page_size = page_size # Return something , yes baby ... return self
[docs] def get_value(self): """ Gets the current value of the adjustment. See set_value() :return: A current value Adjustment :rtype: float """ return self.value
[docs] def set_value(self, value): """ Set the :class:`Adjustment <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment>` :py:attr:`value` attribute. The ``value`` passed as argument is clamped to lie between :py:attr:`lower` and :py:attr:`lower` attributes. .. note:: For adjustments which are used in a :class:`Scrollbar <GLXCurses.Scrollbar.Scrollbar>`, \ the effective range of allowed values goes from \ :py:attr:`lower` to :py:attr:`upper` - :py:attr:`page_size`. :raise TypeError: when ``value`` passed as argument is not a :py:__area_data:`float` """ if type(value) == float: # Clamp Value value = GLXCurses.clamp( value=value, smallest=self.get_lower(), largest=self.get_upper() ) if value != self.get_value(): self.value = value self.emit_value_changed() else: raise TypeError('"value" argument must be a float')
[docs] def clamp_page(self, lower=None, upper=None): """ Updates the :py:attr:`value` attribute to ensure that the range between ``lower`` and ``upper`` parameters is in the current page (i.e. between :py:attr:`value` and :py:attr:`value` + :py:attr:`page_size`). If the range is larger than the page size, then only the start of it will be in the current page. A **value-changed** signal will be emitted if the value is changed. :param lower: the lower value :param upper: the upper value :type lower: float :type upper: float :raise TypeError: when ``lower`` are not :py:__area_data:`float` type :raise TypeError: when ``upper`` are not :py:__area_data:`float` type """ # Try to not execute the code if type(upper) != float: raise TypeError('"upper" must be a float type') if type(lower) != float: raise TypeError('"lower" must be a float type') # line 880 # control need_emission = False # Clamp lower = GLXCurses.clamp( value=lower, smallest=self.get_lower(), largest=self.get_upper() ) upper = GLXCurses.clamp( value=upper, smallest=self.get_lower(), largest=self.get_upper() ) if self.get_value() + self.get_page_size() < upper: self.set_value(upper - self.get_page_size()) need_emission = True if self.get_value() > lower: self.set_value(lower) need_emission = True if need_emission: self.emit_value_changed()
[docs] def emit_changed(self): """ Emits a “changed” signal from the :class:`Adjustment <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment>`. This is typically called by the owner of the :class:`Adjustment <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment>`, after it has changed any of the :class:`Adjustment <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment>` attributes other than the value. """ instance = {"class": self.__class__.__name__, "type": "changed", "id":} # adjustment_signals[VALUE_CHANGED] = # g_signal_new(I_("value-changed"), # G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(class ), # G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST | G_SIGNAL_NO_RECURSE, # G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GtkAdjustmentClass, value_changed), # NULL, NULL, # NULL, # G_TYPE_NONE, 0); # } # EVENT EMIT self.emit("SIGNALS", instance)
[docs] def emit_value_changed(self): """ Emits a “value-changed” signal from the :class:`Adjustment <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment>`. This is typically called by the owner of the Adjustment after it has changed the “value” property. """ instance = { "class": self.__class__.__name__, "type": "value-changed", "id":, } # Example from Gtk Source # instance = [I_("value-changed"), # G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(class ), # G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST | G_SIGNAL_NO_RECURSE, # G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GtkAdjustmentClass, value_changed), # NULL, NULL, # NULL, # G_TYPE_NONE, 0] # EVENT EMIT self.emit("SIGNALS", instance)
[docs] def configure( self, value=None, lower=None, upper=None, step_increment=None, page_increment=None, page_size=None, ): """ Sets all properties of the adjustment at once. Use this function to avoid multiple emissions of the “changed” signal. See :func:`Adjustment.set_lower() <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment.set_lower()>` for an alternative way of compressing multiple emissions of “changed” into one. :param value: the new value :param lower: the new minimum value :param upper: the new maximum value :param step_increment: the new step increment :param page_increment: the new page increment :param page_size: the new page size :type value: float :type lower: float :type upper: float :type step_increment: float :type page_increment: float :type page_size: float :raise TypeError: when one of parameters are not :py:__area_data:`float` type """ # Check if we execute the code or raise a error if type(lower) != float: raise TypeError('"lower" must be float type') if type(value) != float: raise TypeError('"value" must be float type') if type(upper) != float: raise TypeError('"upper" must be float type') if type(step_increment) != float: raise TypeError('"step_increment" must be float type') if type(page_increment) != float: raise TypeError('"page_increment" must be float type') if type(page_size) != float: raise TypeError('"page_size" must be float type') # Controls value_changed = False attribute_changed = False # Check if something will change except for value attribute if lower != self.get_lower(): self.set_lower(lower) attribute_changed = True if upper != self.get_upper(): self.set_upper(upper) attribute_changed = True if step_increment != self.get_step_increment(): self.set_step_increment(step_increment) attribute_changed = True if page_increment != self.get_page_increment(): self.set_page_increment(page_increment) attribute_changed = True if page_size != self.get_page_size(): self.set_page_size(page_size) attribute_changed = True # Check for value attribute # don't use CLAMP() so we don't end up below lower if upper - page_size value = min(value, upper - page_size) value = max(value, lower) if value != self.get_value(): # set value manually to make sure "changed" is emitted with the # new value in place and is emitted before "value-changed" self.set_value(value) value_changed = True # Signal emission if attribute_changed: self.emit_changed() if value_changed: self.emit_value_changed()
[docs] def get_lower(self): """ Retrieves the minimum value of the adjustment. :return: The current minimum value of the adjustment :rtype: float """ return self.lower
[docs] def get_page_increment(self): """ Retrieves the page increment of the adjustment. :return: The current page increment of the adjustment :rtype: float """ return self.page_increment
[docs] def get_page_size(self): """ Retrieves the page size of the adjustment. :return: The current page size of the adjustment :rtype: float """ return self.page_size
[docs] def get_step_increment(self): """ Retrieves the step increment of the adjustment. :return: The current step increment of the adjustment. :rtype: float """ return self.step_increment
[docs] def get_minimum_increment(self): """ Get the smaller of step increment and page increment. Note that value is compute, then it have no need of a set_minimum_increment() method. :return: the minimum increment of adjustment :rtype: float """ # Source: line 931 if self.get_step_increment() != 0 and self.page_increment != 0: if abs(self.get_step_increment()) < abs(self.get_page_increment()): minimum_increment = self.get_step_increment() else: minimum_increment = self.get_page_increment() elif self.get_step_increment() == 0 and self.get_page_increment() == 0: minimum_increment = 0 elif self.get_step_increment() == 0: minimum_increment = self.get_page_increment() else: minimum_increment = self.get_step_increment() return minimum_increment
[docs] def get_upper(self): """ Retrieves the maximum value of the adjustment. :return: The current maximum value of the adjustment :rtype: float """ return self.upper
[docs] def set_lower(self, lower): """ Sets the minimum value of the adjustment. When setting multiple adjustment properties via their individual setters, multiple :func:`Adjustment.changed() <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment.changed()>` signals will be emitted. However, since the emission of the :func:`Adjustment.changed() <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment.changed()>` signal is tied to the emission of the ``notify`` signals of the changed properties, it’s possible to compress the :func:`Adjustment.changed() <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment.changed()>` signals into one by calling ``object_freeze_notify()`` and ``object_thaw_notify()`` around the calls to the individual setters. Alternatively, using :func:`Adjustment.configure() <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment.configure()>` has the same effect of compressing :func:`Adjustment.changed() <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment.changed()>` emissions. .. warning:: Unfortunately ``object_freeze_notify()`` and ``object_thaw_notify()`` don't exist yet. \ then only :func:`Adjustment.configure() <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment.configure()>` will make the work. :param lower: the new minimum value :type lower: float :raise TypeError: when "lower" argument is not a :py:__area_data:`float` """ # Exit as soon of possible if type(lower) != float: raise TypeError('"lower" must be a float type') # Just in case we can do nothing :) if lower != self.get_lower(): self.lower = lower
[docs] def set_page_increment(self, page_increment): """ Sets the page increment of the adjustment. .. seealso:: :func:`Adjustment.set_lower() <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment.set_lower()>` about how to \ compress multiple emissions of the :func:`Adjustment.changed() <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment.changed()>` \ signal when setting multiple adjustment attributes. :param page_increment: the new page increment :type page_increment: float :raise TypeError: when "page_increment" argument is not a :py:__area_data:`float` """ # Exit as soon of possible if type(page_increment) != float: raise TypeError('"page_increment" must be a float type') # Just in case we can do nothing :) if page_increment != self.get_page_increment(): self.page_increment = page_increment # Emit a changed signal self.emit_changed()
[docs] def set_page_size(self, page_size): """ Sets the page size of the adjustment. .. seealso:: :func:`Adjustment.set_lower() <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment.set_lower()>` about how to \ compress multiple emissions of the :func:`Adjustment.changed() <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment.changed()>` \ signal when setting multiple adjustment attributes. :param page_size: the new page size :type page_size: float :raise TypeError: when "page_size" argument is not a :py:__area_data:`float` """ # Exit as soon of possible if type(page_size) != float: raise TypeError('"page_size" must be a float type') # Just in case we can do nothing :) if page_size != self.get_page_size(): self.page_size = page_size
[docs] def set_step_increment(self, step_increment): """ Sets the step increment of the adjustment. .. seealso:: :func:`Adjustment.set_lower() <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment.set_lower()>` about how to \ compress multiple emissions of the :func:`Adjustment.changed() <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment.changed()>` \ signal when setting multiple adjustment attributes. :param step_increment: the new step increment :type step_increment: float :raise TypeError: when "step_increment" argument is not a :py:__area_data:`float` """ # Exit as soon of possible if type(step_increment) != float: raise TypeError('"step_increment" must be a float type') # Just in case we can do nothing :) if step_increment != self.get_step_increment(): self.step_increment = step_increment
[docs] def set_upper(self, upper): """ Sets the maximum value of the adjustment. .. seealso:: :func:`Adjustment.set_lower() <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment.set_lower()>` about how to \ compress multiple emissions of the :func:`Adjustment.changed() <GLXCurses.Adjustment.Adjustment.changed()>` \ signal when setting multiple adjustment attributes. :param upper: the new maximum value :type upper: float :raise TypeError: when "upper" argument is not a :py:__area_data:`float` """ # Exit as soon of possible if type(upper) != float: raise TypeError('"upper" must be a float type') # Check if upper is a float before assign it or raise an error if upper != self.get_upper(): self.upper = upper