GLXCurses.libs.FileChooserFunctions module

class GLXCurses.libs.FileChooserFunctions.FileChooserUtils[source]

Bases: object

FILE_HIGH_LIGHT = {'archive': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'color': (170, 0, 170), 'extensions': ['7z', 'Z', 'ace', 'arc', 'arj', 'ark', 'bz2', 'cab', 'gz', 'lha', 'lz', 'lz4', 'lzh', 'lzma', 'rar', 'rpm', 'tar', 'tbz', 'tbz2', 'tgz', 'tlz', 'txz', 'tzst', 'xz', 'zip', 'zoo', 'zst']}, 'core': {'extensions_case': True, 'regexp': '^core\\.*\\d*$'}, 'database': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388180348064'>, 'color': (180, 180, 180), 'extensions': ['cdx', 'dat', 'db', 'dbf', 'dbi', 'dbx', 'fox', 'mdb', 'mdn', 'mdx', 'msql', 'mssql', 'pgsql', 'sql', 'ssql']}, 'device': {'type': 'DEVICE'}, 'directory': {'type': 'DIR'}, 'doc': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'color': (255, 199, 6), 'extensions': ['chm', 'css', 'ctl', 'diz', 'doc', 'docm', 'docx', 'dtd', 'htm', 'html', 'letter', 'lsm', 'mail', 'man', 'me', 'msg', 'nroff', 'odp', 'ods', 'odt', 'pdf', 'po', 'ppt', 'pptm', 'pptx', 'ps', 'rtf', 'sgml', 'shtml', 'tex', 'text', 'txt', 'xls', 'xlsm', 'xlsx', 'xml', 'xsd', 'xslt']}, 'executable': {'type': 'FILE_EXE'}, 'graph': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181119472'>, 'color': (0, 170, 170), 'extensions': ['ai', 'bmp', 'cdr', 'eps', 'gif', 'ico', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'omf', 'pcx', 'pic', 'png', 'rle', 'svg', 'tif', 'tiff', 'webp', 'wmf', 'xbm', 'xcf', 'xpm']}, 'hardlink': {'type': 'HARDLINK'}, 'media': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'color': (57, 181, 74), 'extensions': ['3gp', 'aac', 'ac3', 'ape', 'asf', 'avi', 'dts', 'flac', 'flv', 'it', 'm3u', 'm4a', 'med', 'mid', 'midi', 'mkv', 'mod', 'mol', 'mov', 'mp2', 'mp3', 'mp4', 'mpeg', 'mpg', 'mpl', 'ogg', 'ogv', 's3m', 'umx', 'vob', 'wav', 'webm', 'wma', 'wmv', 'xm']}, 'source': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'color': (0, 170, 170), 'extensions': ['ada', 'asm', 'awk', 'bash', 'c', 'caml', 'cc', 'cgi', 'cpp', 'cxx', 'diff', 'erl', 'h', 'hh', 'hi', 'hpp', 'hs', 'inc', 'jasm', 'jav', 'java', 'js', 'm4', 'mak', 'mjs', 'ml', 'mli', 'mll', 'mlp', 'mly', 'pas', 'patch', 'php', 'phps', 'pl', 'pm', 'prg', 'py', 'rb', 'sas', 'sh', 'sl', 'st', 'tcl', 'tk', 'xq']}, 'special': {'type': 'SPECIAL'}, 'stalelink': {'type': 'STALE_LINK'}, 'symlink': {'type': 'SYMLINK'}, 'temp': {'extensions': '~', 'regexp': '(^'}}
FILE_HIGH_LIGHT_PREP = {'.3gp': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.7z': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.Z': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.aac': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.ac3': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.ace': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.ada': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.ai': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181119472'>, 'category': 'graph', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.ape': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.arc': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.arj': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.ark': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.asf': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.asm': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.avi': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.awk': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.bash': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.bmp': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181119472'>, 'category': 'graph', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.bz2': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.c': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.cab': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.caml': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.cc': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.cdr': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181119472'>, 'category': 'graph', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.cdx': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388180348064'>, 'category': 'database', 'color': (180, 180, 180)}, '.cgi': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.chm': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.cpp': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.css': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.ctl': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.cxx': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.dat': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388180348064'>, 'category': 'database', 'color': (180, 180, 180)}, '.db': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388180348064'>, 'category': 'database', 'color': (180, 180, 180)}, '.dbf': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388180348064'>, 'category': 'database', 'color': (180, 180, 180)}, '.dbi': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388180348064'>, 'category': 'database', 'color': (180, 180, 180)}, '.dbx': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388180348064'>, 'category': 'database', 'color': (180, 180, 180)}, '.diff': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.diz': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.doc': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.docm': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.docx': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.dtd': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.dts': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.eps': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181119472'>, 'category': 'graph', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.erl': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.flac': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.flv': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.fox': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388180348064'>, 'category': 'database', 'color': (180, 180, 180)}, '.gif': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181119472'>, 'category': 'graph', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.gz': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.h': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.hh': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.hi': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.hpp': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.hs': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.htm': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.html': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.ico': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181119472'>, 'category': 'graph', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.inc': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.it': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.jasm': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.jav': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.java': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.jpeg': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181119472'>, 'category': 'graph', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.jpg': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181119472'>, 'category': 'graph', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.js': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.letter': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.lha': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.lsm': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.lz': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.lz4': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.lzh': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.lzma': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.m3u': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.m4': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.m4a': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.mail': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.mak': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.man': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.mdb': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388180348064'>, 'category': 'database', 'color': (180, 180, 180)}, '.mdn': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388180348064'>, 'category': 'database', 'color': (180, 180, 180)}, '.mdx': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388180348064'>, 'category': 'database', 'color': (180, 180, 180)}, '.me': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.med': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.mid': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.midi': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.mjs': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.mkv': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.ml': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.mli': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.mll': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.mlp': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.mly': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.mod': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.mol': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.mov': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.mp2': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.mp3': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.mp4': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.mpeg': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.mpg': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.mpl': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.msg': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.msql': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388180348064'>, 'category': 'database', 'color': (180, 180, 180)}, '.mssql': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388180348064'>, 'category': 'database', 'color': (180, 180, 180)}, '.nroff': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.odp': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.ods': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.odt': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.ogg': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.ogv': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.omf': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181119472'>, 'category': 'graph', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.pas': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.patch': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.pcx': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181119472'>, 'category': 'graph', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.pdf': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.pgsql': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388180348064'>, 'category': 'database', 'color': (180, 180, 180)}, '.php': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.phps': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.pic': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181119472'>, 'category': 'graph', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.pl': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.pm': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.png': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181119472'>, 'category': 'graph', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.po': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.ppt': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.pptm': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.pptx': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.prg': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.ps': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.py': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.rar': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.rb': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.rle': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181119472'>, 'category': 'graph', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.rpm': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.rtf': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.s3m': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.sas': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.sgml': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.sh': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.shtml': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.sl': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.sql': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388180348064'>, 'category': 'database', 'color': (180, 180, 180)}, '.ssql': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388180348064'>, 'category': 'database', 'color': (180, 180, 180)}, '.st': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.svg': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181119472'>, 'category': 'graph', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.tar': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.tbz': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.tbz2': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.tcl': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.tex': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.text': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.tgz': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.tif': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181119472'>, 'category': 'graph', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.tiff': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181119472'>, 'category': 'graph', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.tk': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.tlz': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.txt': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.txz': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.tzst': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.umx': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.vob': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.wav': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.webm': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.webp': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181119472'>, 'category': 'graph', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.wma': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.wmf': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181119472'>, 'category': 'graph', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.wmv': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.xbm': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181119472'>, 'category': 'graph', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.xcf': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181119472'>, 'category': 'graph', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.xls': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.xlsm': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.xlsx': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.xm': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181002752'>, 'category': 'media', 'color': (57, 181, 74)}, '.xml': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.xpm': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181119472'>, 'category': 'graph', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.xq': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179430032'>, 'category': 'source', 'color': (0, 170, 170)}, '.xsd': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.xslt': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388179612240'>, 'category': 'doc', 'color': (255, 199, 6)}, '.xz': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.zip': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.zoo': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}, '.zst': {'attributes': <MagicMock id='140388181858384'>, 'category': 'archive', 'color': (170, 0, 170)}}

The directory view property is use to store the result of a scan directory.

Returns:The view of the current directory as a list
Return type:list of dict
Raises:TypeError – When property value us not a list type or None

The cwd property store the location of the current directory value

If set to None it return os.getcwd() value


The current working directory value

Return type:


  • TypeError – When property value is not a str type or None
  • ValueError – When property value is not a valid directory

Return sort_by_name attribute.

Returns:True if enable, False if disable
Return type:bool

Return sort_name_order attribute.

Returns:True if ordering A to Z, False if ordering Z to A
Return type:bool

Return sort_by_size attribute.

Returns:True if enable, False if disable
Return type:bool
category = 'database'
extension = 'ssql'

Return sort_by_size attribute. as set by set_sort_size_order()

Returns:True if enable, False if disable
Return type:bool

Return sort_by_mtime attribute.

Returns:True if enable, False if disable
Return type:bool

Return sort_mtime_order attribute. as set by set_sort_mtime_order()

Returns:True if ordering Now to Ago, False if ordering Ago to Now.
Return type:bool

A tuple of file extension to colorize, it’s consider as file type you searching for.

The FileChooser will colorize they file’s, in orange.

Note the function automatically deal with case sensitive.

Example: .mkv -> (‘.mkv’,’.Mkv’,’MKV’)

Parameters:file_extensions (tuple or None) – a tuple of file extension to colorize or None for disable the colorize.
Raises:TypeError – when file_extensions argument is not a tuple type or None

Return the list of file extension to colorize.

See . Filechooser.set_app_file_extensions() for more details.

Returns:a tuple of file extension to colorize or None if disable.
Return type:tuple or None
get_attributes_by_filename(filename=None, key=None, default=None)[source]
get_infos_by_filename(filename=None, key=None, default=None)[source]