Galaxie Curses Documentation


Galaxie Curses is being developed on , a development platform that is itself part of the open source community and that can be self-hosted, if the need arises.

Actual Homepage :

Previous homepage: “”.

The Project

Galaxie Curses is a free software ToolKit for the NCurses API. It can be consider as a text based implementation of the famous GTK+ Library.

Originally the project have start in 2016 by the author Jérôme.O Alias Tuuux.

The Mission

Provide a Text Based ToolKit with powerfull high level Widget (Select Color, Printer Dialog, FileSelector).

During lot of years the main stream was to provide big computer with big GUI Toolkit, unfortunately almost nobody have care about ultra low profile computer and we are now in a situation where no mature ToolKit is ready to use on pen computer. Time’s change then it’s time to change the world …

The goal of the version 1.0 will be to create a application like Midnight-Commander with GLXCurses.


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import GLXCurses

# Create the main Application
app = GLXCurses.Application()
app.set_name('Galaxie-Curse Container Demo')

# Create a Window
win_main = GLXCurses.Window()

# Create a Frame
frame1 = GLXCurses.Frame()
frame1.set_label('A Container Frame')

# Add the frame to the main window

# Add the main window inside the application

# The super function call when press keys
def handle_keys(self, event_signal, *event_args):
    if event_args[0] == ord('q'):
        # Key "q" was pressed

# Signal
app.connect('CURSES', handle_keys)

# Main loop start

More examples can be found here:


  • MainLoop
  • Signal
  • Application Class
  • Component like Button, Container, ProgressBar
  • Have GTK+ design as roadmap
  • Auto Rezize
  • Minimize NCurses crash
  • Common thing for a text based graphic interface tool kit :)


The GTK+ documentation is our model:

Our collaboration model is the Collective Code Construction Contract (C4):

Note for GTK+ Project Developer’s

I’m really confuse about the big copy/past i making from the GTK+ documentation during the creation of the Galaxie-Curses documentation, that because english is not my primary language and i’m a bit limited for make a ToolKit documentation without that … Consider that actual documentation of Galaxie-Curse as the better i can do and it include to copy/past large parts of the GTK+ documentation. (sorry about that)

As you probably see Galaxie-Curses is a Text Based GTK+ like, then the GTK+ Doc is the roadmap.



All contributions to the project source code (“patches”) SHALL use the same license as the project.

Indices and tables